var ContextFeatures = {"website":"https:\/\/","username":"","autoid":"7c4d05b24be8f363c8ea02ad4fb7a06c4771d847fb1d2afae313ac99183cc5cc","xpath_thumb_pic":"HTML\/BODY[1]\/DIV[2]\/DIV[1]\/DIV[1]\/DIV[1]\/A[1]\/IMG[1]","xpath_thumb_title":"HTML\/BODY[1]\/DIV[6]\/DIV[1]\/DIV[1]\/H1[1]","xpath_thumb_price":"","show_visited_count":5,"xpath_display_container":"HTML\/BODY[1]\/DIV[15]","onsale_ribbon_text":null,"onsale_var_value":null,"onsale_var_name":null,"onsale_visit_min_count":0,"list_directory":1,"registration_datetime":"2018-11-24 05:56:15","owner_verified":0,"xpath_thumb_content":null,"xpath_thumb_detail":"HTML\/BODY[1]\/DIV[6]\/DIV[1]\/DIV[1]\/P[1]","feature_enabled_featured_text":1,"feature_enabled_popup":0,"feature_enabled_banner_horizontal_vertical":0,"feature_enabled_auto_sale":0}; function disableClicks(node) { // console.log("disableClicks: tagName=" + node.get(0).tagName + " src=" + node.get(0).src); console.log("disableClicks"); node.find("*").each(function(index) { console.log("disableClicks: tagName=" + $(this).get(0).tagName + " src=" + $(this).get(0).src); $(this).on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); }); // Vick: I want to do this for buttons, so they can be processed recursively for all iframes // $(this).off(); // $(this).attr('disabled',true); }); // According to I should be able to use implicit iteration: // contents.find("*").on("click", function(event) { // event.preventDefault(); // event.stopPropagation(); // }); } // this is the DOM object // $(this) is the JQuery element // index is the index in the array/collection being traversed // calling get(0) on a JQuery element gives you the DOM object // contents: // // iframe.contents returns ONLY THE IMMEDIATE CHILDREN of the iframe DOM, IF the iframe is on the SAME DOMAIN as the main page. function recursiveIFrameDisableClicks(iframe) { console.log('In recursiveIFrameDisableClicks, iframe src=' + iframe.attr('src')); disableClicks(iframe.contents()); iframe.contents().find("iframe").each(function(index) { console.log('recursiveIFrameDisableClicks: recursing'); recursiveIFrameDisableClicks($(this)); }); } function linksToAbsolute(base, relative) { var stack = base.split("/"), parts = relative.split("/"); stack.pop(); // remove current file name (or empty string) // (omit if "base" is the current folder without trailing slash) for (var i=0; i, computedStyle.getPropertyValue(key), computedStyle.getPropertyPriority(key))); } function utlCopyNodeAttributes(sourceNode, targetNode) { /* this works */ var klass = sourceNode.getAttribute('class'); targetNode.setAttribute('class', klass); /* this is more comprehensive but copies both computed and non-computed attributes: for (var i = 0; i < sourceNode.attributes.length; i++) { targetNode.setAttribute(sourceNode.attributes[i].nodeName, sourceNode.attributes[i].nodeValue); } */ } function utlTagChange(el, tag, copyStyle = false, copyAttributes = false, copyContent = false){ var parent = el.parentNode ,newElem = document.createElement(tag); if( copyStyle ) { utlCopyNodeStyle(el, newElem); } if( copyAttributes ) { utlCopyNodeAttributes(el, newElem); } if( copyContent ) { newElem.innerHTML = el.innerHTML } parent.replaceChild(newElem, el); return newElem; } function utlInsertAfter(newNode, referenceNode) { referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); } function dictKeyCount(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } function isDictEmpty(obj) { return Object.keys(obj).length === 0; } var GlobalElementForUrlValidation; function isValidURL(u){ if('' == u) { return false; } if(!GlobalElementForUrlValidation){ GlobalElementForUrlValidation = document.createElement('input'); GlobalElementForUrlValidation.setAttribute('type', 'url'); } GlobalElementForUrlValidation.value = u; return GlobalElementForUrlValidation.validity.valid; } function addCSSRule(rule) { /* Some alternate solutions here: */ var css = document.createElement('style'); css.type = 'text/css'; if (css.styleSheet) css.styleSheet.cssText = rule; // Support for IE else css.appendChild(document.createTextNode(rule)); // Support for the rest document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(css); } /* BUG: For some reason this always referrs to http even if hosted on https */ function addCSSHref(href) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = href; = 'all'; head.appendChild(link); } /* Example use: * walkDOM(hiddenProductPage, function(node) { * if( node.src ) { * console.log('node src=' + node.src); * if( 0 == node.src.indexOf("http://") ) { * console.log('found http src=' + node.src); * } * } * }); */ var walkDOM = function (node,func) { func(node); node = node.firstChild; while(node) { walkDOM(node,func); node = node.nextSibling; } }; function getAjax(url, funSuccess, funError=null) { console.log('getAjax:url=' + url); var request = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, true); request.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === 4) { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) { if(funSuccess) funSuccess(this, this.responseText); } else { if(funError) funError(this); } } }; request.overrideMimeType("text/html") request.send(); request = null; } // get dimensions of a hidden element. If an element is hidden, clientWidth/clientHeight will be zero. function getWidthHeight(elm) { // save away the values we'll change var opacity =; var position =; var display =; var visibility =; = '0'; = 'absolute'; = 'inline-block'; = 'visible'; var width = elm.clientWidth; var height = elm.clientHeight; // restore in reverse = visibility; = display; = position; = opacity; return [width, height]; } function getStyle(el, styleProp) { if (window.getComputedStyle) { var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); } else if (el.currentStyle) { var y = el.currentStyle[styleProp]; } return y; } function fitText(container, startSize) { /* None of these solutions work well * and * = '1vw'; * Bottom solution: */ = '100px'; while(container.scrollWidth > container.offsetWidth || container.scrollHeight > container.offsetHeight) { var newFontSize = (parseFloat(, -2) ) * 0.90) + 'px'; = newFontSize; } } function logSizes(el, elName) { // console.log(elName + ' actualWidth=' + getAbsoluteWidth(el) + ' actualHeight=' + getAbsoluteHeight(el)); console.log(elName + '.offsetWidth=' + el.offsetWidth + ' .offsetHeight=' + el.offsetHeight); console.log(elName + '.clientWidth=' + el.clientWidth + ' .clientHeight=' + el.clientHeight); console.log(elName + '.scrollWidth=' + el.scrollWidth + ' .scrollHeight=' + el.scrollHeight); var computedWidth = window.getComputedStyle(el)['width']; var computedHeight = window.getComputedStyle(el)['height']; console.log(elName + ' computedWidth=' + computedWidth + ' computedHeight=' + computedHeight); } function getAbsoluteWidth(el) { var styles = window.getComputedStyle(el); var margin = parseFloat(styles['marginLeft']) + parseFloat(styles['marginRight']); return Math.ceil(el.offsetWidth + margin); } function getAbsoluteHeight(el) { var styles = window.getComputedStyle(el); var margin = parseFloat(styles['marginTop']) + parseFloat(styles['marginBottom']); return Math.ceil(el.offsetHeight + margin); } function getFromStorage(varName) { var varValue; // var varValue = getCookie(varName); /* Local storage * pros: * a) doesnt have to load these extra cookie functions, * b) avoids sending the cookie values over the network. * c) allows more than 4k bytes per record (cookies limit) * cons: * doesnt send cookies over the network, so cannot do correlation analysis on the server * */ varValue = window.localStorage.getItem(varName); // console.log('getFromStorage:varName='+varName+' varValue='+varValue); return varValue; } function setToStorage(varName, varValue) { // console.log('setToStorage:varName='+varName+' varValue='+varValue); // return setCookie(varName, varValue); return window.localStorage.setItem(varName, varValue); } /* JavaScript Cookie v2.2.0 had complex module loading logic which sometime wouldnt work. Now using but had to encode values because cookies do not allow all sorts of chars (see for details). */ function setCookie(name,value,days) { var expires = ""; var encodedValue; if( value && value.length ) { encodedValue = encodeURIComponent(value); } else { encodedValue = ''; } // console.log('setCookie:encodedValue='+encodedValue); if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days*24*60*60*1000)); expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name + "=" + encodedValue + expires + "; path=/"; } function getCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) { var value = c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); var decodedValue = decodeURIComponent(value); // console.log('getCookie:decodedValue='+decodedValue); return decodedValue; } } return null; } function eraseCookie(name) { setCookie(name,'',0); } function poisonSetCookieFunction() { function setCookie(name, value, days) { console.log('This is a poisoned setCookie function call'); } } // Example: // VickDialog('Hi there!

I am a non modal alert message','','right:5px;bottom:5px;') // From function createDivWithCss(wrapper, css, innerHtml, id, closeOnClick=false) { var div = document.createElement('div') = css; div.innerHTML = innerHtml; div.setAttribute('id', id); if(closeOnClick) { div.addEventListener("click", function (event) { document.body.removeChild(wrapper); }, false); } wrapper.appendChild(div); return div; } function VickDialog(contentHtml, closeButtonText='', customCssWrapper='', id='', klass='') { // default css: var css = 'cursor:default;z-index:2147483646;overflow:hidden;whitespace:normal;font-weight:normal;max-width:none;max-height:none;min-width:10px;height:auto;min-height:10px;padding:0;margin:0;background:#f1f1f1;border:1px solid #333;border-color:#fff #333 #333 #fff;border-radius:1px;box-shadow:none;vertical-align:top' var textLength=0 const Xchar = '×'; // if not UTF-8, use 'x' var wrapper = document.createElement('div') = css + 'position:fixed;box-shadow:0 0 3px #000;padding:10px;width:auto;' + customCssWrapper if(id && id.length) wrapper.setAttribute('id', id); if(klass && klass.length) wrapper.setAttribute('class', klass); createDivWithCss(wrapper, css + 'position:static;width:auto;float:right;clear:both;border:none;margin-top:-10px;margin-right:-5px;font-size:18px;">', Xchar, 'oneX', closeOnClick=true); if(0 != closeButtonText.length) { createDivWithCss(wrapper, css + 'position:static;float:right;clear:both;margin:5px;padding:4px 10px;"', closeButtonText, 'twoCloseButton', closeOnClick=true); } if(0 != contentHtml.length) { createDivWithCss(wrapper, css + 'position:static;float:center;clear:both;margin:5px;padding:4px 10px;border:none;"', contentHtml, 'threeContent'); } document.body.appendChild(wrapper) return wrapper; } function displayInBanner(f, urlThumb, txtTitle, txtPrice, href, txtRibbon) { if( f.feature_enabled_banner_horizontal_vertical && f.xpath_display_container && f.xpath_display_container.length ) { // It's part of an existing banner/container, and at this stage we established it's going to be shown. Clear original content. In the future we may want to overlay on top of it. if( 0 == ContextThumbsShown ) { var clientWidth = ContextDisplay.clientWidth; // save it away var clientHeight = ContextDisplay.clientHeight; // save it away console.log('resetting ContextDisplay; clientWidth=' + clientWidth); ContextDisplay = utlTagChange(ContextDisplay, 'div', copyStyle = false, copyAttributes = false, copyContent = false); ContextDisplay.setAttribute('class', 'cp-row cp-mt-3 cp-mb-3'); if( clientWidth < clientHeight ) { // vertical banner = clientWidth; } } } var colsPrice, colsRibbon; if( txtPrice.length && txtRibbon.length ) { colsPrice = 6; colsRibbon = 6; } else if (txtPrice && txtPrice.length ) { colsPrice = 12; colsRibbon = 0; } else if (txtRibbon && txtRibbon.length ) { colsPrice = 0; colsRibbon = 12; } else { colsPrice = 0; colsRibbon = 0; } ContextDisplay.innerHTML += `
` + txtPrice + `
` + txtRibbon + `
` + txtTitle + `
`; return true; } // start featured text function displayFeaturedText(f, urlThumb, txtTitle, txtDetail, txtPrice, href, txtRibbon) { // multiline string with backticks ContextDisplay.innerHTML = `

` + txtTitle + `

` + txtDetail + `

Read more

`; console.log('ContextDisplay.innerHTML=' + ContextDisplay.innerHTML); return true; } function createDisplay(f) { if( (f.feature_enabled_featured_text || f.feature_enabled_banner_horizontal_vertical) && (f.xpath_display_container && f.xpath_display_container.length) ) { var elms = getElementsByXPath(f.xpath_display_container, document); if( 1 != elms.length ) { console.log( 'xpath_display_container=' + f.xpath_display_container + ' found elms=' + JSON.stringify(elms) ); return false; } var elmSelected = elms[0]; if( f.feature_enabled_featured_text && f.xpath_thumb_detail && f.xpath_thumb_detail.length ) { ContextDisplay = document.createElement('div'); utlInsertAfter(ContextDisplay, elmSelected); return true; } if( f.feature_enabled_banner_horizontal_vertical ) { ContextDisplay = elmSelected; // Don't reset the banner contents here if there is nothing to display. Reset it upon the display of the first element. return true; } } if( f.feature_enabled_popup ) { // Start off as hidden, show only if there are items in it. ContextDisplay = VickDialog('', closeButtonText='', customCssWrapper='right:5px;bottom:5px;visibility:hidden;display:inline-flex;position:fixed', id='ContextPageModalId'); return true; } return false; } // Use . JQuery not allowed, as: // * either it's already included with a different version (with probability of conflict) // * or not included (so can't depend on it). function now() { return window.performance && && window.performance.timing && window.performance.timing.navigationStart ? + window.performance.timing.navigationStart :; } function parseHTML(str) { var el = document.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML = str; return el.children; }; function logObject(msg, obj) { // console.log(msg + JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4)); console.log(msg) console.log('%o',obj) } function onClickReportClickedContextDisplay(href) { // set cookie to be read on the server setCookie('ContextLastClicked', href, 1); // this is called by onClick, must return false return false; } function getSavedPages() { var pages = {}; c = getFromStorage('pages'); console.log('c=' + c); if (null !== c && typeof c !== 'undefined') { pages = JSON.parse(c); } console.log('pages=' + JSON.stringify(pages)); return pages; } function updateVisitedPages() { var url = window.location.href; console.log('updateVisitedPages:url=' + url); /* * If we load the product page and if the product page already has the contextpages code, it will save this fake page as * a 'visited page' storage, then it process/show it to the admin as he browses his own site's product pages. * Solutions: * 1) prevent cookies from being set. This is likely too harsh because the embedded page may rely on cookies being set * for proper display (even if not for full functioning). This doesnt work when we use local storage instead of cookies. * Besides, the 2 solutions I found for it don't work: * a) iframe sandbox: * . * With empty sandbox, nothing loads, and main frame cannot access iframe contents. * With sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-scripts", it doesnt prevent cookies from being written. * b) data-ref instead of src, and data-cookiescript: . Unfortunately doesnt work. * 2) overwrite our own javascript function that sets the storage. Use poisonSetStorageFunction * 3) detect that we're in this "contextpages embeds self" mode and dont set storage * 4) have "save storage" visits.js refuse to write storage for pages created by reflect.php */ if( /reflect-dumps\/[0-9]+\.html$/.test(url) ) { console.log('Reflect dump, avoiding save'); return; } var thumb, title, price; [thumb, title, detail, price] = getPicTitleContentPrice(ContextFeatures, document); if( (null === thumb) || (null === title) ) { console.log('Could not find thumb or title, avoiding save'); return; } var pages = getSavedPages(); /* HUGE time & complexity savings: avoid having to retrieve url later from the server, just save the elements we need. * * Initially used URL as a key. However, multiple URLs can point to the same product (variablility in parameters - including * parameters we're introducing for promo). Thus, multiple urls were displaying the same thumbs/title/price. To fix this, * changed key to be the combination we're showing (except detail, which is a long form/paragraph). * * Would have liked to have a key be a dictionary itself, but "dictionary as key" that doesnt work. * I tried key as a tuple. However when serializing/deserializing that in JSON, it is read back as a string instead of tuple * Third attempt is to use an explicit separator. * * The browser makes .src into an absolute path. */ var key = thumb.src + ContextKeySeparator + title.textContent + ContextKeySeparator; if( null != price ) { key += price.textContent; } currentPageRecord = pages[key]; console.log('updateVisitedPages:currentPageRecord=' + JSON.stringify(currentPageRecord)); if (typeof currentPageRecord == 'undefined') { pages[key] = {} pages[key]['hitcount'] = 1 pages[key]['url'] = url; } else { pages[key]['hitcount'] += 1 if( url.length < pages[key]['url'] ) { // save the simplest/shortest path pages[key]['url'] = url; } } pages[key]['accessed'] = now(); if( detail ) { pages[key]['detail'] = detail.innerHTML; } setToStorage('pages', JSON.stringify(pages)); return pages; } function getPagesArraySortedByHitcount(pages) { // Create sortable items array from dictionary. var sortable = []; for (var k in pages) { /* k is actually a key */ // push({k:pages[k]}) doesnt work, uses 'k' as a literal as opposed to its value dict = {} dict[k] = pages[k] sortable.push(dict); } // Sort the array based on the second element sortable.sort(function(a, b) { ka = Object.keys(a)[0] // There is only one key oa = a[ka] kb = Object.keys(b)[0] // There is only one key ob = b[kb] return ob['hitcount'] - oa['hitcount']; }); return sortable; } function getPicTitleContentPrice(f, pagedoc) { thumb = getElementsByXPath(f.xpath_thumb_pic, pagedoc); if( thumb.length != 1 ) { console.log('thumb.length=' + thumb.length); return [null, null, null, null]; } else { thumb = thumb[0].cloneNode(true); } title = getElementsByXPath(f.xpath_thumb_title, pagedoc); if( title.length != 1 ) { console.log('title.length=' + title.length); return [thumb, null, null, null]; } else { title = title[0].cloneNode(true); } /* From here down, optionals. */ if( f.xpath_thumb_detail ) { detail = getElementsByXPath(f.xpath_thumb_detail, pagedoc); if( detail.length != 1 ) { console.log('detail.length=' + detail.length); detail = null; } else { detail = detail[0].cloneNode(true); } } else { detail = null; } if( f.xpath_thumb_price ) { price = getElementsByXPath(f.xpath_thumb_price, pagedoc); if( price.length != 1 ) { console.log('price.length=' + price.length); price = null; } else { price = price[0].cloneNode(true); } } else { price = null; } return [thumb, title, detail, price]; } function loadedContextContent(f, thisPageRecord) { // Don't suggest currently displayed page var topKey = Object.keys(thisPageRecord)[0]; var url = thisPageRecord[topKey]['url']; var hitcount = thisPageRecord[topKey]['hitcount']; if( url == window.location.href) { /* this is a first check, there is a second below */ return; } var onSaleMinCount = f.onsale_visit_min_count; if( f.feature_enabled_auto_sale && onSaleMinCount > 0 ) { if( hitcount >= onSaleMinCount ) { txtRibbon = f.onsale_ribbon_text; if( f.onsale_var_name ) { url = updateQueryStringParameter(url, f.onsale_var_name, f.onsale_var_value) if( url == window.location.href) { /* this is a second check, to avoid showing a thumb for the current "on sale" url (we saved this url without the on-sale params) */ return false; } } } else { txtRibbon = ''; // no ribbon } } else { txtRibbon = ''; } var shown = false; var tupleKeys = topKey.split(ContextKeySeparator); txtDetail = thisPageRecord[topKey]['detail']; if( 'undefined' === typeof(txtDetail) || 0 == txtDetail.length ) { txtDetail = null; } txtPrice = tupleKeys[2]; if( 'undefined' === (typeof txtPrice) || 0 == txtPrice.length ) { txtPrice = null; } var urlThumb = tupleKeys[0]; var txtTitle = tupleKeys[1]; console.log('features enabled:featured_text=' + f.feature_enabled_featured_text + ' popup=' + f.feature_enabled_popup + ' banner_horizontal_vertical=' + f.feature_enabled_banner_horizontal_vertical + ' auto_sale=' + f.feature_enabled_auto_sale); console.log('xpath_display_container='+f.xpath_display_container + ' txtTitle=' + txtTitle + ' txtPrice=' + txtPrice + ' txtRibbon=' + txtRibbon + ' txtDetail='+txtDetail); if( f.feature_enabled_featured_text && f.xpath_display_container && f.xpath_display_container.length && f.xpath_thumb_detail && f.xpath_thumb_detail.length ) { shown = displayFeaturedText(f, urlThumb = urlThumb, txtTitle = txtTitle, txtDetail = txtDetail, txtPrice = txtPrice, href = url, txtRibbon); } else if( f.feature_enabled_popup || f.feature_enabled_banner_horizontal_vertical ) { shown = displayInBanner(f, urlThumb = urlThumb, txtTitle = txtTitle, txtPrice = txtPrice, href = url, txtRibbon); } if( shown ) { ContextThumbsShown += 1; = 'visible'; return true; } return false; } function loadThumbsFromStorage(f, pagesSortedArrayOfDictEntries, maxShow) { var i = 0; while( i < pagesSortedArrayOfDictEntries.length && ContextThumbsShown < maxShow ) { loadedContextContent(f, pagesSortedArrayOfDictEntries[i]); i++; } } // Signal this is a top page, to avoid infinite recursive inclusions. // Have to use "var", because const, let, and class don't create properties on the global object. var ContextThisPage = "main"; var ContextThumbsShown = 0; var ContextDisplay = null; const ContextKeySeparator = '@#@#'; function processFeature(f) { updateVisitedPages(); if( 0 == f.show_visited_count ) { console.log('ContextPages: feature show_visited is not enabled, exiting early'); return; } if( ! createDisplay(f) ) { return; } var pagesDict = getSavedPages(); var pagesSortedArrayOfDictEntries = getPagesArraySortedByHitcount(pagesDict); var maxShow = f.feature_enabled_featured_text ? 1 : f.show_visited_count; // show maximum one if "featured text" is enabled loadThumbsFromStorage(f, pagesSortedArrayOfDictEntries, maxShow); } function logAccess(autoid) { var xhttp; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // modern browsers xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else { // old IE browsers xhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } var url = ''; var params = 'ContextTopUrl=' + + '&ContextLastClicked=' + getCookie('ContextLastClicked') + '&id=' + autoid;"POST", url, true); xhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhttp.send(params); // This is on its way to be logged on the server. Delete to prepare for the next click. eraseCookie('ContextLastClicked'); } function ContextPagesOnLoad() { console.log('ContextPagesOnLoad'); // Before anything, check if this is a page we/ourselves included in a hidden iframe or div, // to extract thumb pics/title/price etc. This avoids an infinite recursion of calling hidden iframes etc. // // if( != window && 'main' == ) { // we should recurse, in case there are iframes-in-iframes-in-iframes ... console.log('This is an included page, returning early'); return; } logAccess(ContextFeatures["autoid"]); if(typeof ContextFeaturesOverride !== 'undefined') { ContextFeatures = ContextFeaturesOverride; console.log('ContextPages: Overriding ContextFeatures='+JSON.stringify(ContextFeatures)); } else { console.log('ContextPages: ContextFeatures' + JSON.stringify(ContextFeatures)); } if( isDictEmpty(ContextFeatures) ) { console.log('ContextPages: ContextFeatures is empty, exiting early'); return; } var cssLocation = ''; addCSSHref(cssLocation); processFeature(ContextFeatures); } window.addEventListener("load",function(event) { ContextPagesOnLoad(); },false);